record at rhythm ace.

recording music doesn't have to be complicated. if you're full of ideas but aren't sure how to get them from your brain to songs, you're in the right place.

Sam has been recording and producing music for the last 25 years, first in his hometown of London and then more recently in his beloved adopted home of NZ. He loves the process of helping bands as well as individual artists achieve their sound. You’ll be in safe, caring hands with a man on a mission to make the studio environment as supportive and inspiring as possible.

Rhythm Ace is stuffed full with the most high quality equipment you could wish to find. From vintage classics like the Fender Rhodes, Hammond, Mellotron and Wurlitzer through to state of the art monitoring and software. The mic locker is stocked with heavy hitters, funky oddities and rare gems. There are guitars, synths, drum machines, samplers, effects pedals, tape delays and all manner of inspiring idea helpers to make your sessions fly.